The use and reference of this website is subject to the following Terms & Conditions. This website is managed by Becarre Natural, Clamart, France.
- This website contains information related to the products and fields where Becarre is active.
- The mentioned products are promoted or introduced with the assistance of Becarre Natural, and agreements may vary depending on countries and local contacts.
- The information and related properties or use are based on studies and literature, and does not claim to treat any illness or incite to stop using conventional medical treatments, nor a diagnosis. Please refer to your healthcare practitioner for any therapeutic advice you may need.
- Studies and properties are either proprietary or available on the public domain.
- The information and linked properties or use contained in the site are related to ingredients and not to finished products. This website is intended for customers’ and researchers’ use, and it is not aimed at consumers.
- Becarre Natural declines any responsibility concerning the exactitude and updating of the information since it might contain mistakes or non-updated information in case of a change by the manufacturer before it’s changed on this website.
- This web site may contain link to other websites. By clicking on them, you accept to freely exit Becarre Natural’s website.
- Information on Products, documents, brochures, material, images, trademarks, logos and photographs on this web site are the property of Becarre natural or of its principals, even when available for download. Any use for commercial or business reasons must be authorized by Becarre Natural or its principals.
- This website is regulated by the laws of France.